Wellness Center

The Winship Wellness Center provides patients and their caregivers a centralized location to find helpful information and services.

At Winship, we know you and your caregivers need plenty of support and access to resources that focus on your well-being. The Winship Wellness Center gives you, your family and your caregivers a single source to turn to for the help and support you need regarding social services, wellness activities and support groups.

Our staff is available to answer questions. Please call us at (404) 778-5286.

The Wellness Center, located on the Clifton campus on the first floor of Building C, is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The center provides a comfortable, relaxed space where you and your caregivers can find: 

  • Information about cancer, from specific diseases to treatment options.
  • Information about various support groups.
  • Information on upcoming events, classes and activites for patients and family members
  • Information on social services and volunteer services.

The center also offers the following:

  • The Nease Chapel, providing a quiet, more private place for reflection and prayer
  • Computers for checking your email or MyChart account and looking up information on the Internet
  • Secure WiFi connection (connect to EHC Guest), fax machine and telephone
  • Tables for working or writing

Our staff is available to answer questions and to help you find the cancer resources you need. Please contact (404) 778-5286.


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