Matching Gifts

Many employers offer matching gift programs which are an excellent way to double, or even triple, your contribution.

Matching gifts are an important source of support for Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University, and we encourage you to apply for a match from your employer.

Contact Your Employer

You can contact your company's Human Resources office to request a matching gift form, or you also may be able to find the form online at your company's website.

Complete the Forms

Depending on your employer, you may fill out the forms on-line or on paper. You'll need Emory University's tax identification number (58-0566256). Please visit the Emory Finance website for further information about Emory's tax exempt status.

Submit the Forms

Please mail completed matching gift forms to:

Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University
Development Office
1762 Clifton Road, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30322

We are happy to answer your questions and to provide more information about supporting Winship through annual giving. Please contact us at


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