Personal Fundraising

Personal fundraising pages are personal donation pages that you can use to ask family members, friends, and others to help you in your support of Winship.

Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University is unequalled in translating medical breakthroughs into patient care.

These discoveries benefit Atlanta and the world, and your support insures innovative and comprehensive health care. Many of our physicians are also researchers and educators which means they take part in valuable clinical trials and help develop new and better ways to prevent and treat disease.

Create your own page and start fundraising

Choose one of our event suggestions – Honor and Memory, Birthdays, Thanks and Recognition, Individual and Team Feats, DIY Get Creative – and start a team or an individual fundraiser.

Share your enthusiasm with friends and family and ask for support to help patients who need life-saving treatment. It's easy to get started and you'll be given resources and support along the way.

For questions, please call us at (404) 727-8770 or email us at Thank you for your continued support of Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University. Your partnership creates the future of medicine here at home and around the world.


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