The Cancer Animal Models Shared Resource assists investigators in developing and analyzing appropriate animal models, offers cutting-edge imaging modalities for cancer research, and plays an important role in translating research discoveries into potential treatments.
The facility's major emphasis and expertise lie in genetically engineered mouse models, patient-derived tumor xenografts and world-class preclinical imaging modalities. We can customize our services as requested to support development of animal models in a timely and cost-efficient manner.
Our lab facility is located in the Winship Shared Resources Hub on the 3rd floor of The Emory Clinic Building B.
Core Services
We offer the following services to investigators:
Novel genetically engineered mouse model development through genetic crosses
Full-service colony management, genotyping, and database updates
In vivo optical bioluminescent and fluorescent imaging
In vivo cone beam CT and microCT imaging
Advanced treatment planning following CT imaging like clinical scenarios
Delivery of therapeutics to experimental animals (ip, iv, oral gavage, dietary)
Monitoring and analysis for tumor development including weekly body weight measurements, tumor burden scoring and general health status monitoring
Complete necropsy and tissue collection for histology (OCT, formalin fixed), as well as biochemical analysis (RNA, DNA, whole tissue)
Surgical cranial window placement
Subcutaneous and orthotopic xenograft procedures
Establishment of syngeneic mouse models
In vivo delivery of viral-Cre (intranasal, intratracheal, or custom design)
Assistance with Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) applications and protocol writing
Small Animal Radiation Therapy (SmART+)
The SmART+ instrument offers world-class, multidisciplinary image-guided radiation therapy research with a cutting-edge platform that is targeted, precise, and easy to use.
A state-of-the-art focal irradiation system allows clinical radiotherapy and imaging with exceptional accuracy. The machine is fully integrated with Cone-Beam CT, µCT, and Bioluminescence imaging module. After imaging, the Advanced Treatment Planning System allows the user to define targets with fixed and variable treatment collimators.
We recommend contacting us before planning any study with the SmART+ instrument. For in vivo use of this instrument, please amend the IACUC protocol first.
IVIS® Spectrum Series Imaging System
The IVIS® Spectrum Series imaging system is PerkinElmer's leading pre-clinical optical imaging system combining high throughput and full tomographic optical imaging in one. The platform harnesses a novel patented optical imaging technology to facilitate non-invasive longitudinal monitoring of disease progression, cell trafficking and gene expression patterns in living animals. The combination of exquisitely sensitive bioluminescence detection and fluorescence tunability combined with near infrared (NIR) optimized illumination offers the industry's most proficient system to detect small sources deep in the animal.
Publication Acknowledgement Policy
The National Cancer Institute requires that publications acknowledge the Winship Cancer Institute Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG), and it is tracking compliance. If a Winship Cancer Institute CCSG-supported Shared Resource provided data, designed the study, performed analyses, provided results used in your publication, and/or provided any systems or services that were used for the work that resulted in your publication, please include the following statement in the acknowledgment section of your publication(s):
Research reported in this publication was supported in part by the Cancer Animal Models shared resource of Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University and NIH/NCI under award number P30CA138292. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
Dr. Gilbert-Ross is the scientific director of the Cancer Animal Models Shared Resource, which assists Winship Cancer Institute members in the development, characterization and analysis of animal models for cancer research.
Dr. Hou is responsible for establishing cancer animal models, performing drug and substance delivery as well as tumor growth measurement and data analysis, and assisting in experimental design and IACUC protocol preparation.