Shared Resources at Winship

Our shared resources are technology service facilities that support the cancer research efforts of investigators across Emory University campus, and at other institutions.

Winship's shared resources are supported by the Cancer Center Support Grant from the National Cancer Institute.

The shared resources offer centralized access to state-of-the-art equipment, scientific consultation, data and biostatistics services that would be too difficult or expensive for individual investigators to acquire and maintain. Additional support may come from chargeback systems and institutional funding.

Need assistance?

If you are a cancer investigator and you are not sure which shared resource(s) may best fit your needs, fill out our form with your contact information and a brief description of your project. Once we receive your submission, we will contact you to help guide you through the initial process.

At Winship, we provide expert support services and state-of-the-art equipment to all of our members through eleven core facilities. Select from below to learn more about each one.


The Biostatistics Shared Resource provides statistical consultation and collaboration on the design, conduct, analysis and interpretation of Winship clinical investigators' research activities.

Cancer Tissue and Pathology

The Cancer Tissue and Pathology (CTP) shared resource enhances tissue-based investigation through its procurement and distribution of high-quality human cancer specimens and its comprehensive histopathologic services.

Cancer Animal Models

The function of the Cancer Animal Models (CAMS) shared resource is to assist investigators in the development, characterization and analysis of appropriate animal models for cancer research.

Data and Technology Applications

The Data and Technology Applications shared resource provides Winship investigators the latest in data management resources to support scientific research.

Emory Cellular and Immunotherapy Core

The Emory Cellular and Immunotherapy Core is a clinical cell manufacturing facility that prepares cell and immunotherapy products for transplantation and GMP-grade cells and reagents.

Emory Integrated Computational Core

Sponsored by Winship Cancer Institute and Emory University School of Medicine, the Emory Integrated Computational Core offers comprehensive computational services and bioinformatics pipelines for the analysis of -omics data.

Emory Integrated Genomics Core

The Emory Integrated Genomics Core (EIGC) is a consolidation of genomics cores from the Winship Cancer Institute and Emory University School of Medicine.

Emory Integrated Proteomics Core

Sponsored by Winship Cancer Institute and Emory University School of Medicine, the Emory Integrated Proteomics Core provides protein analytical services by cutting edge mass spectrometry to investigators on and off campus.

Immune Monitoring

The Immune Monitoring shared resource provides high dimensional mass cytometry analysis to research colleagues at Winship Cancer Institute and Emory University.

Integrated Cellular Imaging

The Integrated Cellular Imaging Core at Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University is a full service facility that provides cutting-edge microscopy and imaging equipment to Winship Cancer Institute and Emory investigators.

Intervention Development, Dissemination and Implementation

The Intervention Development, Dissemination, and Implementation developmental shared resource gives Winship members access to expertise in behavioral science research methods, and supports intervention research at all stages of development.

Pediatrics Winship Flow Cytometry

The Pediatrics/Winship Flow Cytometry Core provides cytometry services for the analysis and sorting of cells as well as expert consultation for experimental design and planning.

We have developed scientific poster and slide presentation templates to facilitate the visual depiction of your work as an integral part of Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University. The templates are available for download on the Winship intranet. Log in with your netID and password.

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