Integrated Cellular Imaging

The Integrated Cellular Imaging Shared Resource provides cutting-edge fluorescence microscopy and imaging analysis tools to Winship Cancer Institute and Emory investigators.

The mission of the Integrated Cellular Imaging is to provide the latest cellular imaging technology, services, and expertise to support the programmatic research initiatives of Winship Cancer Institute and Emory School of Medicine investigators.

The core offers assistance and training on all microscopes and data analyses, in addition to consultation on experimental design and assistance with troubleshooting. It also provides state-of-the-art light and fluorescence microscopy tools including confocal, live cell, multi-photon, widefield & deconvolution, super resolution, light sheet and image analysis.

For any inquiries, please contact the Integrated Cellular Imaging Core via email.

Publication Acknowledgement Policy

The National Cancer Institute requires that publications acknowledge the Winship Cancer Institute Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG), and it is tracking compliance. If a Winship Cancer Institute CCSG-supported Shared Resource provided data, designed the study, performed analyses, provided results used in your publication, and/or provided any systems or services that were used for the work that resulted in your publication, please include the following statement in the acknowledgment section of your publication(s):

Research reported in this publication was supported in part by the Integrated Cellular Imaging shared resource of Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University and NIH/NCI under award number P30CA138292. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.

Photo of  Laura Fox-Goharioon
Laura Fox-Goharioon

Laura Fox-Goharioon

Core Director
Emory Integrated Cellular Imaging Core

Laura has extensive experience training scientists at Emory University and is available to assist investigators with their work on the microscopes and to trouble-shoot equipment.

Photo of  Michael Koval, PhD
Michael Koval, PhD

Michael Koval, PhD

Scientific Director, Integrated Cellular Imaging Core
Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University

Dr. Koval provides scientific direction for the establishment, implementation and standard operating procedures and processes for the Integrated Cellular Imaging Core.

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